Nursery day

A happy beginning

There are numerous nursery schools in south-west London and choosing the right nursery for your child is a decision no parent takes lightly. Adaptable, approachable and always free to talk, we aim to be the best possible place for each individual child, by really getting to know them and their family. Then, encouraging their development feels natural, in an atmosphere of comfort, colour and fun.

We understand parents are looking for more than just closeness to home or work. Closeness matters, in many more vital ways. It’s feeling connected to the natural world, and the diverse people we share it with. It’s having the sense of security and freedom to explore, discover and ask questions about anything and everything.


Nursery (School day)

Monday – Thursday Friday
Early drop-off* 7:40am* 7:40am*
Gates open 8:10am 8:10am
Registration 8:30am 8:30am
Half day pick-up 12:00 noon 12:00 noon
Full day pick-up 3:25pm 3:25pm
Little Tigers pick-up 4:30pm No clubs
End of wraparound care* 6:00pm* 5:00pm*
*from September 2024