Contact our Admissions team
Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision and we would love to show you around our school and grounds to see if Prospect House is a good fit for your family. Our main points of entry are into Nursery (3+) and into Reception (4+). We conduct private tours for families on most weekdays during term time and can be flexible with dates and times.
For those unable to visit in person, we are more than happy to arrange a virtual meeting at your convenience with our headteacher.
Once you decide to move forward with an application to Prospect House for your child you will need to register them via our online process by completing a form and paying the registration fee of £100.
By registering you are formalising your interest in Prospect House and you are securing your child’s position on the waiting list for your chosen start date. You will receive an email of acknowledgement with details about the next steps.
Our usual entry points are at age 3 into Nursery and at age 4 into Reception. Families may, however, decide that they would like their child to join Prospect House further up the school. We do sometimes have places arise in Years 1 – 6 and we recommend contacting the Admissions Office to enquire about availability.
Should a place be available in your preferred year group, we will request a copy of your child’s latest school report and invite them to spend a taster day with us on a mutually convenient date. A taster day enables a prospective pupil to gain a sense of what a day in the life of Prospect House is like as well as introducing them to the other children in the year group. During the day we will conduct assessments in English and maths to give us an idea of their academic attainment and to make sure that they can keep up with the pace of our lessons.
We offer our places in registration date order with priority given to siblings of children already attending Prospect House. For those families registered for entry to Nursery (3+) and Reception (4+), we start offering places about twelve months before your child is due to start. Once all our available spaces are filled, subsequent applicants are placed on the waiting list.
Once you receive an offer of a place, you will be invited to re-visit the school and ask any questions you may have. The information pack will include details on how to accept the place via our online form. Acceptance of a place must be accompanied by a deposit payment of £3,000.
There are certain key moments in a child’s life and starting school is definitely one of them! Prior to starting at Prospect House, children are invited to attend various induction events, familiarising themselves with a new environment and classmates. An integral part of our ethos is fostering a connection that goes beyond the school gates and we work closely with parents to ensure a smooth transition
One key event takes place in late June and this gives the new children joining us in September a chance to meet their teachers, peers and spend time in their new classroom. Whilst this is happening parents are invited to a talk with the headteacher to find out about life at Prospect House.
Throughout the first term we support families further by running Curriculum Sessions for each year group together with an Introduction to Phonics talk for parents with children in Early Years. Class teachers keep in touch closely with the families of each new starter to ensure that the children settle in well and parents are comfortable with their progress.