Destination Schools & 11+


Academic excellence

As one of the leading prep schools in London, academic excellence is a given at Prospect House. We offer our children an exceptional education, tailored to them. Our teachers encourage our children to be independent thinkers, both inside and out of the classroom. While we are non-selective, we find the best in each child, helping them to develop their own unique talents.

As a result, our children continue their education at the UK’s best day and boarding schools. While our Leavers’ Destination list tells its own story, we are also proud of our record in securing a range of scholarships including academic, all-rounder, sport and music.


11+ results for 2023-24

11+ results for 2022-23

11+ results for 2021-22

11+ results for 2020-21

11+ results for 2019-20


Getting the recognition you deserve

Our approach to continuous learning and high standards is one of the reasons our children achieve such excellent 11+ results.

Children are prepared extremely well, from practice tests and interviews, how to sit an exam effectively maximising marks. We ensure that the children are fully prepared to sit the exams at their chosen schools.

We support them throughout this process to remove any levels of anxiety that the children might be feeling.

In the autumn term of Year 5 the headteacher holds group meetings for parents to run through the processes leading up to 11+ examinations, how we support the children through this process, timings and school choices.

In the spring term of Year 5 the parents will have a 1:1 meeting with the headteacher where they will discuss their child’s progress, assessment scores and school choices. Prior to this meeting the headteacher meets all the teachers to discuss, in detail, each child’s progress.

We are very aware that this could be a challenging time for children and parents and understand the importance of working together so that every child fulfils their potential. We aim to make the 11+ process as smooth and enjoyable for the children as possible – it should be a time to celebrate their achievements and the progress they have made during their time at Prospect House School.

Priority entry

Our pupils will move onto the school that best suits their attainment and aptitude at 11+.  We prepare them for the school that is right for them, and our experienced teachers will help support your child at every step of the way. It may be that another Dukes school is suitable for your child.  If so, we are happy to advise and recommend them, and one of the benefits of being part of the Dukes Education family is that we can offer priority entrance to your child.

What does priority entry mean?

Priority access means that a pupil at one Dukes school enjoys preferential entry to another, but it is not a guarantee of acceptance. Each school has its own admissions criteria, and an assessment process for entry, and every pupil needs to meet the minimum criteria. A child that meets the eligibility criteria to join another Dukes school moves straight to the front of the queue.  This can take a good deal of uncertainty and stress out of the 11+ and 13+ process.

Year 5 confirmation

If pupils prefer to continue on to a Dukes senior school, we may be able to confirm acceptance during Year 5, subject to meeting the entry criteria.