School day

Where the magic happens

Times and key moments in the day

Our school day is structured so that pupils can gain the most out of the time available for academic teaching, with ring-fenced time for the extensive range of activities available.

Pupils are dropped off at both lower and upper schools from 8.10am with registration at 8.30am. We do offer some morning co-curricular activities and drop off for these will be different times for those children signed up for these.

The school day ends at 3.30pm at the lower school and 4pm at the upper school, however Monday – Thursday we offer a wide range of co-curricular activities and these run for an hour.

From September 2024 we will be offering extended wraparound care with an early morning drop-off option at 7.40am and flexible pick-up between the end of after-school clubs (4.30pm in the lower school and 5pm in the upper school) and 6pm.

Lower School (Reception – Year 2)

Monday – Thursday Friday
Early drop-off* 7:40am* 7:40am*
Gates open 8:10am 8:10am
Registration 8:30am 8:30am
End of academic day 3:30pm 3:30pm
End of clubs 4:30pm No clubs
End of wraparound care* 6:00pm* 5:00pm*

*from September 2024



Upper School (Years 3 – 6)

Monday – Thursday Friday
Early drop-off* 7:40am* 7:40am*
Gates open 8:10am 8:10am
Registration 8:30am 8:30am
End of academic day 4:00pm 4:00pm
End of clubs 5:00pm No clubs
End of wraparound care* 6:00pm* 5:00pm*

*from September 2024



Our catering

What children eat affects their health and their ability to learn and perform, both in the classroom and on the field. So we are committed to ensuring that our children receive a wholesome, nutritious, balanced and delicious meal each day. Our in-house catering team tailor menus to their tastes, preferences and dietary requirements.

We educate the students on how to make healthier food choices to instil a love and understanding of fresh, healthy food at a young age that will positively influence them throughout life.

The team introduces further interest and excitement to menus through themed lunches ranging from holidays like Easter and Christmas to cuisines from around the world, tying these into the school curriculum whenever possible in a fun and stimulating way. Our catering team will accommodate any allergy, exclusion diet, food intolerance and religious requirement, along with pupils’ natural likes and dislikes.

To browse our menus, click below.


Recent lunch menus