Ah, the 11+ exams – a rite of passage that can make even the most composed parent break into a cold sweat. But fear not! With a sprinkle of humour and a dash of perspective, you and your child can navigate this journey together without losing your sanity.
First things first: remember to breathe. Yes, the 11+ is important, but it is not the be-all and end-all. The future of your child does not hinge on one exam. Try to swap the panic for a cup of tea and a biscuit.
As the head of a prep school, I can tell you that when it comes to the 11+ process, there is one thing we know for sure: it does not have to be a race. Try to approach it with one goal in mind: to ensure that your child is ready to take the next step.
Embrace the chaos – life shouldn’t stop for exam prep. Between music lessons, sports practice and the occasional meltdown (yours or theirs), it’s a juggling act. Accept the chaos and maybe even laugh at it. After all, laughter is the best medicine – except for actual medicine, of course.
The 11+ process is not about cramming or relentless testing. Support your child to be the best version of themselves, both academically and personally. Trust the process. Prep schools have been through this rodeo many, many times. They have the experience to guide your child without turning them into a ball of stress. Allowing children to build knowledge, skills and confidence over time, and ensuring they don’t just memorise facts for the sake of an exam but develop a love of learning that goes beyond just passing a test.
Trust their methods, even if it involves the occasional quirky activity that seems unrelated to algebra because here’s the kicker: success comes from an approach that is measured, relaxed and designed to bring out pupils’ natural brilliance without overwhelming them.
With offers in the bank, the next step is to work with your school team to make the decision that is best for the strengths, personality and long-term goals of your child. It is not about getting into the most competitive school – it is about finding the best fit.
This might be a traditional academic school, an IB curriculum, a creative or arts-focussed institution, one with a strong emphasis on sports or leadership – a sense of choice is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child during such a significant time in their lives.
A key part of the 11+ process is not just academic readiness but emotional resilience. The transition from prep school to senior school can be a big leap for children who are just 10 or 11 years old.
Now is the time to prepare your child for the journey ahead. If you travel by tube, let them navigate the route. Do they attend a gymnastics class close to home? Let them walk there with a friend; allowing small freedoms will mean senior school is less of a shock to the system for all involved.
At the end of the day, the 11+ is just one step in a long journey of learning and growing. It is a moment in time – a chance for your child to showcase what they have learned so far and to take the next step toward their future. But it is not the be-all and end-all of their education or their self-worth.
Celebrate the small wins along the way. Did they tackle a tricky maths problem? Master a new vocabulary word? Celebrate it! Small victories build confidence and make the journey more enjoyable. Plus, it’s a great excuse for another biscuit!