We are thrilled to announce a new partnership between Prospect House and the HMCK Charity, with additional support from the Spencer Lynx Hockey Club, to bring increased access to sport for Year 3 and Year 4 pupils in the local area.

This initiative offers a free after-school hockey club for students at two nearby state primary schools with a pupil premium rate exceeding 45%. It is an exciting opportunity to break barriers in a sport typically accessible only through school attendance in the private or grammar sector. The programme will focus on fostering teamwork, leadership, and the enjoyment of sport in a fun and inclusive environment.

The children will be provided with their own hockey sticks and t-shirts to foster a sense of belonging. There will be attendance incentives to encourage regular participation and every session will include a snack and packed tea for the children to take away.

Hockey club sessions will take place at the Upper School once a week led by the highly experienced Prospect House PE team including the indomitable Mr Vedat, our Head of Sport. Joining the sports department will be some of our Year 6 students who will help lead and coach the younger visiting pupils. We hope this involvement will develop their sense of community engagement, leadership and teamwork skills.

This new initiative embodies Prospect House’s commitment to inclusivity and community engagement. If it provides successful, we aim to extend this model to other schools within the Dukes Education family, furthering our contribution to service leadership and involvement in the local community.

We cannot wait to see more of these sessions in action and to watch all the children develop new skills, form friendships, and embrace the joy of hockey. Together we aim to build a stronger, more inclusive sporting community.