Nursery have been delving into the exciting world of space travel, inspired by the book Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy.

After reading the story together, the children explored Baby Bear’s adventurous journey to the moon themselves by sequencing events from the tale, sparking their imagination and storytelling skills. Nursery thoroughly enjoyed pretending to be Baby Bear, blasting off to the moon for a picnic in a cardboard box rocket ship.

The role play area in the Nursery L classroom has been transformed into a space station complete with astronauts’ equipment, important dials to monitor and experiments to explore. One such experiment this week was a hands-on activity for all the children to investigate the properties of different materials to determine which were magnetic and which were non-magnetic.

The highlight of the week was definitely the exciting rocket experiment led by Mrs Vedat and Mrs Lydford-Jones, both sporting their stylish science goggles. Using a mixture of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, the children were thrilled to observe how the build-up of pressure launched a rocket bottle high into the sky.

Where will Nursery travel to next!

Categories: english nursery science